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Zahra Maaroufi | زهرا معروفی

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Practice area
English, Farsi, Spanish
Orience International
Pl. d'Urquinaona, 6, L'Eixample
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Zahra Maaroufi

We are a full-services firm dedicated to residency and citizenship by investment.

We offer our clients and partners a single point of contact for all their visa, residency, real estate and asset management needs.

Our highly specialized and multilingual team of professionals guarantee a customized service for every client.

International Advisory for Investors and Digital Nomads

Every journey begins with a single step.
Orience provides mobility solutions for investors, companies and digital nomads.

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Zahra Maaroufi | زهرا معروفی

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Zahra Maaroufi | زهرا معروفی
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