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Yasaman Asaad | یاسمن اسعد

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Child & Child Ltd.
One Strand
United Kingdom
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Yasaman Asaad

I am a renowned real estate solicitor based in London. My clients range from high-net-worth individuals to companies and small families based nationally and internationally (Middle East and Asia).

My clients’ residential properties include new-build apartment complexes and country estates as well as prime and super-prime properties in Central London; land earmarked for development, both with and without planning permission in prime development sites, and recently refurbished trophy assets. Commercial properties include hotels, healthcare and shopping complexes.

In addition, I have strong personal connections with developers, architects, interior designers and lenders (both high street and private banks) to provide a one-stop-shop for all aspects of UK property transactions.

In an increasingly complex market, I offer my clients peace of mind, tailored service and a genuine competitive advantage. I undertake thorough due diligence, handle all negotiations and secure the best possible terms for my clients.

I have a wealth of experience in dealing with all aspects of commercial & residential property on behalf of individuals, businesses and financial institutions.

I am an active member of the Property Section Advisory Committee at The Law Society.

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Yasaman Asaad | یاسمن اسعد

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