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Sue Rahbar | سودابه رهبر

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MARN 1386969
English, Farsi
Key Migration Visa
194A Prospect Rd
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Sue Rahbarسودابه رهبر
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Sue Rahbar

Sue Rahbar is the principal migration consultant at Key Migration Visa Services.

She holds a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice from Murdoch University, as well as a Bachelor of Business majoring in Corporate Finance and a Graduate Diploma of Education.

She is a member of the Migration Institute of Australia and undertakes ongoing professional development to ensure she is up to date with all the Australian migration regulations and policies.

Sue has worked in corporate finance as well as within the education system delivering business education and training. She has extensive experience in Business management with nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner managing a franchised chain. This experience in turn has equipped her with the knowledge and ability to help clients with their business ventures.

Sue migrated to Australia in 1985 with her young family and is well aware of the challenges and complexities of migrating to a new country.


خانم سودابه رهبر فارغ التحصیل حقوق مهاجرت از دانشگاه مردوک استرالیا و عضو رسمی کانون وکلای مهاجرتی استرالیا است که  در زمینه اخذ ویزاهای کشور استرالیا طبق سیاست های اداره مهاجرت فعالیت می کند.
ایشان در طول سالها فعالیت در زمینه اخذ تمامی ویزاهای موقت و دائم کشور استرالیا خدمات معتبر به علاقه مندان ارائه می دهد. این شرکت دارای دو نمایندگی اصلی واقع در استرالیا که تمامی تلاش خود را برای به موفقیت رساندن پرونده موکلین بکار گیرد.
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Sue Rahbar | سودابه رهبر

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