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Shirin Razi | شیرین میرزائی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Azadi Lawyers
New South Wales
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Shirin Raziشیرین میرزائی
How can I help you?

Shirin Razi

Shirin is fluent in Persian/Farsi language and is a well-known and respected lawyer in the community.

She also regularly provides legal advice to clients held in immigration detention, in places such as Villawood Detention Centre.

Shirin is the Principal lawyer and managing director of Azadi Lawyers.

Shirin’s practice embraces the full range of criminal law, from traffic matters and driver license appeals, hearings, sentences, AVO matters, bail applications as well as civil matters in the Local Courts, to trials, sentences and appeals in the District and Supreme Courts.

Shirin has also been retained to provide advice in relation to prospects of Merit for a special leave application.

She will meticulously screen brief of evidence, examining flaws in a prosecution case, negotiate with the prosecution and ensure no page is left unturned in striving to deliver her clients the best possible outcome.

Regardless of the size or complexity of the matter, Shirin appreciates the anxiety and stress that follows being investigated or charged with a criminal or traffic offence, or when involved in a civil dispute.

Shirin has also been appointed to a number of legal aid panels and can assist if you are eligible for a grant of legal aid.

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Shirin Razi | شیرین میرزائی

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Shirin Razi | شیرین میرزائی
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