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Shadan Doyle | شادان دویل

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Randle & Taylor
204 Carrington St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
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Shadan Doyle

Shadan graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 2021 and completed her Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice through the University of Adelaide/the Law Society of South Australia in 2022. She was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of South Australia in April 2022 and joined Randle & Taylor in October 2022. She also offers a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Human Resources Management from the University of South Australia.

Prior to joining Randle & Taylor, Shadan Doyle worked in a number of different industries including Construction and Health as a Human Resources Manager in both private and not-for Profit sectors.

Shadan Doyle has a strong interest in all areas of employment law and is very experienced in a range of employment and industrial law matters including unfair dismissal and general protection claims, workers compensation claims, conducting independent workplace investigations and mediations, Enterprise Bargaining, drafting employment contracts and workplace policies. She enjoys working closely with clients to provide concise and considered practical advice.

On a personal level, Shadan enjoys spending time with her family and volunteering for a good cause.

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