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Sean Modjarrad | شان مجرد

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English, Farsi
212 W Spring Valley Rd
United States
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Sean Modjarrad

Sean Modjarrad is the Managing Shareholder and founder of MAS Law. He has a diverse litigation history of more than 600 cases in state courts and more than 90 cases in federal courts.

Dedicating his life to fighting for justice and providing a voice for the voiceless, Sean is recognized for his expertise in civil rights law and advocacy for positive legal reform.

He has represented several noteworthy cases that have led to the reinterpretation of established laws to better protect the wrongfully accused.

In addition to his profound role in protecting civil rights, Sean has been a part of many high-profile cases, such as litigating and securing the ownership of the Millennium Sapphire for his client.

Sean earned his Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Afterwards, he attended university where, in three years, Sean earned his Juris Doctor from the School of Law and two master’s degrees from the School of Business: a Master of Accountancy and a Master of Business Administration.

Upon passing the Bar, Sean founded his own law practice Modjarrad & Associates, Professional Corporation in 2000. Associate Nazeh Abusaad joined the successful practice in 2002, later becoming a shareholder in 2003. Similarly, Mohammad Said joined the firm in 2006 and became a shareholder in 2012. Shortly after, Modjarrad changed the firm’s common name, now operating as MAS Law.

MAS Law is a results-oriented law firm that offers a full range of legal services to individuals, businesses, and professionals operating throughout the nation. The firm focuses on personal injury, business and corporate law, and civil litigation.

Beginning in 2013, Sean has shared his passion for law with the next generation by teaching Race and Law and 1983 Civil Rights. Through his course, students examine the development of civil rights law and how social beliefs and ideologies are reflected and reproduced in society through legislation and judicial precedent. Additionally, Sean sits on the Advisory Board at his law school, and serves as a board member for UNT College of Law’s Visitors Board.

Through this, Sean’s charities foster positive change and his award programs highlight exceptional individuals within the community. Recently, Sean’s philanthropic endeavors have been recognized due to the success of initiatives such as the MASter Teacher Award, a program that recognizes selfless educators whose creativity and dedication have helped the community work towards a brighter future.

Revered for his exceptional tenacity, diligence, and forward thinking, Sean has proven to be a pioneer in his field. His commitment to his clients and community have provided the merit necessary to plant himself as a figurehead within the legal profession, giving people the hope they need, both inside and outside the courtroom.

In 2021, Modjarrad partnered with Director Brent Duncan to create the Winners. The film depicts “an ambitious young attorney wander[ing] through a corrupt system in his efforts to win an insurance settlement for his first client” and has garnered nationwide praise.

شان مجرد

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Sean Modjarrad | شان مجرد

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Sean Modjarrad | شان مجرد
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