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Raha Seyed Ali | رها سید علی

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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 4.06 (96)
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Practice area
LL.B., LL.M.
English, Farsi
Watson Goepel LLP
1200-1075 West Georgia St.
British Columbia
BC V6E 3C9
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رها سید علی

در سال ۲۰۱۲، رها   مدرک کارشناسی حقوق خود را از  دانشکده حقوق  دانشگاه بریتیش کلمبیا دریافت کرد. رها دارای مدرک  لیسانس حقوق از دانشگاه شهید بهشتی ایران است. او با تحصیلات قانونی و پس زمینه از دانشگاه های برتر در کانادا و ایران پروانه وکالت خود را از انجمن حقوقی بریتیش کلمبیا  کانادا دریافت کرد. رها در زمینه حقوق خانواده و مهاجرت تخصص  دارد و خدمات حقوقی خود را در  هر دو زبان انگلیسی و فارسی ارایه  می دهد.

Raha Seyed Ali

Raha is a self-made, highly educated and successful Canadian lawyer and immigrant. Before making Canada her home, Raha ranked nationally as one of the top 101 students in her home country and attended Iran’s top university for law on full scholarship.

Raha immigrated to Canada on her own and obtained her Masters of Law from the University of British Columbia on scholarship as well. Before Joining Pettit and Co, Raha had practiced for over 5 years at a well-known immigration firm and a family law firm in downtown Vancouver.

Raha is sharp, detailed oriented and always looks a few steps ahead in every case. Raha’s legal strategies and her ability to negotiate through the most difficult issues with opposing counsel are her best assets. She is reasonable, convincing and has the right skills to achieve a settlement, often avoiding client a costly court process. Raha encourages her clients to explore what’s important to them and meaningfully participate in the process so that they can achieve solutions that best fit their long-term needs.

Raha genuinely believes in giving back and has volunteered for well-known organizations such as West Coast Leaf and Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia. She currently volunteers once a month as a pro-bono lawyer at Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society and provides legal advice to low income families, abused women and new immigrants. For two years Raha collaborated with Mosaic Organization and appeared as the guest speaker in a workshop for international students.

Family law حقوق خانواده
Divorce (Desk order / Contested) طلاق
Custody حضانت فرزندان
Spousal and child support حمایت مالی فرزند و همسر
Immigration مهاجرت
Immigration Appeal Division

  • Removal Order Appeals
  • Residency Obligation Appeals
  • Sponsorship Appeal
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

بخش تجدید نظر مهاجرت

درخواست تجدید نظر در مورد اقامت

درخواست تجدید نظر اسپانسرشیپ


Permanent Residence

  • Economic Classes
  • Family Class

Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

  • Temporary Residence
  • Work Permits
  • Visitor Visa

اقامت دائم

برنامه های اقتصادی

برنامه خانواده

برنامه های بشردوستانه و انسانی

اقامت موقت

مجوز کار

ویزا توریستی


  • Medical Inadmissibility
  • Criminal Inadmissibility

غیرقابل پذیرش

غیرقابل پذیرش پزشکی

غیرقابل پذیرش کیفری

Citizenship شهروندی


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Raha Seyed Ali | رها سید علی

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