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Naghmeh Danai | نغمه دانایی

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Practice area
MARN 0748076
English, Farsi
Visa Zone Pty Ltd
level-1/16 McDougall St.
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Naghmeh Danaiنغمه دانایی
How can I help you?

Naghmeh Danai

As a Migrant myself, I have very valuable first hand experience of what migration to Australia and applying for an Australian visa involves, which I can happily pass on to all of my clients.

If you are thinking of migrating to Australia you will need reliable and up to date information and professional advice. You will find the answers to many of the questions you may have about migrating to Australia.

We offer a full range of professional services that include assessment of migration options, assistance in preparing migration applications, checking of documentation, preparing of submissions, application lodgement and all necessary liaison and follow up action with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Registered Migration Agents must operate in accordance with the Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

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Naghmeh Danai | نغمه دانایی

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