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Mike Sethi | مایک ستی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Sethi Law Group
Orange, CA 92868, USA
Orange County
CA 92868
United States
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Mike Sethiمایک ستی
How can I help you?

Sethi Law Group is a full-service immigration and deportation law firm that serves clients nationwide. We provide large corporations, small businesses, and individuals will a full range of immigration processing and placement services.

Our office, which is located in Orange County, serves individuals all over. Our attorneys travel from Orange County throughout the United States to meet with clients, to assess their needs and represent them in their cases.

The success of our attorneys is attributed to their understanding of current immigration law, and understanding immigration law as it evolves.

If you would like to speak to one of our attorneys, please contact us at 714-921-5226

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Mike Sethi | مایک ستی

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Mike Sethi | مایک ستی
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