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Michael Shabani | مایکل شبانی

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English, Farsi, French
Shabani & Associates, P.C.
5500 Southlake Pkwy
United States
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Shabani & Associates, P.C. was The first immigration firm in Birmingham, Alabama with extensive experience in immigration cases; we had the pleasure of helping hundreds of people moving to the United States. Some of our services:

  • US immigration law
  • Deportation
  • Investment visa

Mr Shabani helps both individuals and businesses in successfully receiving their resident visa, temporary and permanent visas, partner visa, investor and commercial visas, student exchange visa among others. Our immigration lawyers are trained to help and represent you with your United States Immigration law case.

Facing immigration problems without a good lawyer representing you can be overwhelming. Our lawyers are specialized in immigration law issues and will advise you step by step in your immigration case so you can rest assure you are in good hands.

Our lawyers are members of AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) whose only goal is to give our clients full legal service, efficient, accountable and above all personalized service making sure you are 100% satisfied. Shabani & Associates, PC will answer your questions about:

  • Deportation and Removal Defense
  • Changes in Immigration laws and practices
  • Information on Business Finance and Working in the U.S.
  • Information on Immigration Forms, Immigrant and Non-immigrant US Visa.
  • Passports, citizenship and US Green Card.
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Michael Shabani | مایکل شبانی

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Michael Shabani | مایکل شبانی
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