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Michael Ashoori | مایکل آشوری

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Ashoori Law
21700 W Oxnard St Suite 360
Woodland Hills
CA 91367
United States
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Michael Ashoori

Mr. Ashoori’s legal practice focuses on the representation of individuals, families, working professionals, and foreign investors seeking visas and permanent residence to the United States. In addition, he represents U.S. employers sponsoring foreign workers for temporary or permanent employment authorization. The son of immigrant parents, Mr. Ashoori has a deep understanding and appreciation for the benefits of U.S. immigration.

He has assisted individuals from around the world including China, India, Pakistan, Canada, Germany, Russia, Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Israel, Japan, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, New Zealand, and the UAE. Mr. Ashoori received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from UCLA School of Law and his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from UCLA as well. He is admitted to the State Bar of California. License State Bar of California Education UCLA School of Law (J.D.) University of California, Los Angeles (B.A.)

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Michael Ashoori | مایکل آشوری

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Michael Ashoori | مایکل آشوری
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