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Marzieh Shahed | مرضیه شاهد

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Dorna Immigration
1630 N Main St
Walnut Creek
CA 94596
United States
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Marzieh Shahedمرضیه شاهد
How can I help you?

“It feels indescribable when my clients’ cases are approved”, says Marzieh Shahed, a young attorney who started her own practice with the sole purpose of making the immigration process stress-free for immigrants and their employers. No matter the complications of the case, Marzieh helps small businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of U.S. immigration law to meet their immigration needs.

Before starting her firm, Marzieh worked for three well-known business immigration law firms in San Francisco, handling both high-volume and small accounts in matters involving non-immigrant and immigrant petitions. Bringing her experience with Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized employers, startups, and entrepreneurs, Marzieh believes each case is unique and thus deserves customized legal services and individual care.

Marzieh has experienced the U.S. immigration process first-hand, allowing her to truly understand how a person’s immigration status impacts them in many seemingly unrelated aspects of their lives. Both the opportunities she has in America and the difficulties of the immigration process are her constant reminders of the significant role immigration attorneys can play in client lives. Marzieh says:

“When you are an immigrant, you have to work harder to get to be where you want to be. I tried so hard to be where I am now and am very glad I did it. When I get to work with my clients, there is nothing else like it.”

Honors & Awards:

  • “Certificate of Recognition” for commitment to public interest and pro bono work, University of California, Berkeley Memberships & Admissions:
  • State Bar of California
  • American Immigration Lawyers Association
  • Iranian American Bar Association


  • LL.M., University of California, Berkeley
  • LL.M., University of Nottingham, England
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Esfahan, Iran


  • Bilingual in English and Farsi
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Marzieh Shahed | مرضیه شاهد

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