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Mana Ghadirian-Marnani | مانا قدیریان

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1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars 3.90 (30)
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Practice area
English, Farsi
Checks and Balances Law
Level 13/111 Elizabeth St
NSW 2000
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Mana Ghadirian-Marnaniمانا قدیریان
How can I help you?

Mana Ghadirian Marnani

We take pride in providing efficient, excellent and cost effective legal services.

We heavily invest in technology to be able to keep the costs down and quality high.

Our principle solicitor, Mana has a track record of settling difficult disputes. Only a handful of examples include: two matters against barter companies which were 5 years outstanding in 2018 , successful conciliation with a regional city council where the client had a very long standing history of dispute with that council dating back to 1990s, and successful settlement of an estate dispute which was 5 years outstanding.

She also writes academic pieces in the areas of commercial law and litigation. The most recent piece is : “a comparison of Res judiciata, Issue Estoppel and Anshun Principle” which is submitted for publishing.

Our areas of practice include:

  • Business Law
  • Commercial Law and litigation
  • Construction law
  • Property Law
  • Employment Law
  • Wills and estate planning
  • Probate
  • Family law (property only)

If you have legal matters please get in touch. We are always happy to help.

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Mana Ghadirian-Marnani | مانا قدیریان

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Mana Ghadirian-Marnani | مانا قدیریان
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