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Kousha Berokim

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Practice area
English, Farsi, Spanish
California Employment Law Group
3, 270 N Canon Dr
Beverly Hills
CA 90210
United States
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Kousha Berokim

If you were wrongfully terminated, discriminated or retaliated against, call us today for a free consultation! 800) 298-7993

A good lawyer is not one who knows the answer; a good lawyer is one who knows how to find the answer.

Kousha Berokim has litigated over 200 civil cases, mostly in usury, finance, real estate, employment, or commercial disputes.

Throughout it all, Berokim has come to appreciate that every case presents a different and new set of facts, laws, and ultimately litigation strategy. Litigation is a skill-set compromised of the ability to examine every small factual and legal detail, while keeping focus on the ‘big picture’ perspective.

Kousha Berokim received a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and received his Juris Doctorate degree from the Southwestern University of Law in Los Angeles.

Prior to forming Berokim & Duel, P.C., Berokim worked for and with capable and seasoned trial attorneys, William G. Moore, Gregory Byberg, and Thomas Hanrahan.

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Kousha Berokim

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