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Hadi Hadson | هادی هادسون

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Practice area
RCIC 710137 , MBA
English, Farsi
Hadson Immigration Corp.
1488 Main St
British Columbia
BC V7J 3V3
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Hadi Hadsonهادی هادسون
How can I help you?

Our team is consist of several Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) and lawyers who are authorized to do immigration and citizenship representation. An RCIC, is a person who is hired to evaluate your Visa application and submit it on your behalf. In addition, we provide you with a beneficial strategy for your Visa options.


We are working in all provinces and territories with employers and start-ups in different fields to provide you the best offers.


Mr. Hadi Hadson (RCIC 710137, CAPIC 2118960, Affidavits Commissioner) along with our other partners with extensive experience in immigration and business development projects, will be by your side to actualize the best possible immigration and investment experience for you in Canada.

Management WhatsApp number: +1 (604) 414 7511

Member of Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants.

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Hadi Hadson | هادی هادسون

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