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Elham Jamshidi | الهام جمشیدی

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Practice area
Licensed Paralegal specializing in Immigration Law
English, Farsi
EME Professional Corp.
2 Old English Ln, Markham, ON L3T 2T8, Canada
L3T 2T9
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Elham Jamshidi

Elham Jamshidi has first-hand knowledge of the difficulties that come with immigrating to a new country. Elham completied a Bachelor in Visual Arts in 2003. Now a licensed paralegal who speaks English and Farsi fluently, Elham is an asset to the EME team who works closely with Criminal and Family files but specializes in Immigration.

Elham is EME’s newest partner.

Working with these very special VIPs requires privacy, skills and attention. Indeed, the settlement requirements for these marquis clients demands sophisticated financial, business, real estate, tax and family law planning.

Being able to access EME’s full service of legal and business services, Elham has been able to assist her clients in all realms of the law, be it Civil/Commercial Litigation, Family Law, Criminal Law, Business/Construction Law and, of course, Immigration Law.

Elham’s track record is extremely impressive and she serves EME’s clients with pride, energy and enthusiasm.

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Elham Jamshidi | الهام جمشیدی

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Elham Jamshidi | الهام جمشیدی
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