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Dario Gorji | داریوش گرجی

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Practice area
English, Farsi, Italian
De Capoa & Partners
Via Francesco Petrarca, 2
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Dario Gorji

School of the Internationalist Lawyer, UFTDU; Executive Course in Islamic Banking and Finance, International Chamber of Commerce; Specialized Course in IP Management and Valuation, LUISS Guido Carli University; Master Degree in Law.

Professional Registers:
Member of the Bar Association.

Areas of Specialization:
International trade law, export control, Islamic law, international arbitration, and Islamic inheritance.

Professional and academic experience:
Mr. Gorji specializes in various areas of international trade law, with a focus on export control.

He provides legal advice and assistance to Italian and foreign companies regarding internationalization processes, such as offshoring, real estate, investments and international procurement.

He has gained considerable experience with disputes among companies, both in litigation and in international arbitration.

As a result of his experience in the Middle East, Mr. Gorji also specializes in advising clients in hereditary successions regulated by Islamic law, including Shiite law and Iranian law.

Mr. Gorji is legal advisor to international chambers of commerce and various industrial associations; He is also accredited by diplomatic missions.

He regularly organizes seminars and training courses at the national and international levels on foreign investments, export control compliance, Iranian law and Islamic law.

Mr. Gorji is the author of various publications in specialized journals in the field of international trade and export control; He was one of the co-authors of the book “World Encryption Controls”, published by WorldECR.

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Dario Gorji | داریوش گرجی

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Dario Gorji | داریوش گرجی
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