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Cyrus Hosseini | کوروش حسینی

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Practice area
English, Farsi, German
Cyrus Law Group, P.C.
943 Chicago Ave
IL 60202
United States
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Kurosh Hosseini

Kurosh Hosseini (known as Cyrus to English speakers) is an accomplished leader in his community and in the legal profession, having represented citizens in over 300 bench trials. Kurosh has an extensive and comprehensive understanding of the state civil procedure, with experience before the Appellate and Supreme Courts.

Mr. Hosseini earned his Juris Doctorate from School of Law and his Bachelor of Arts in History.

He is a volunteer in his community, training under privileged youth on the importance of team work, life skills, and physical activity as a soccer and tennis coach.

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Cyrus Hosseini | کوروش حسینی

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Cyrus Hosseini | کوروش حسینی
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