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Camelia Mahmoudi | کاملیا محمودی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Law Office of Camelia Mahmoudi
#200 - 2021 The Alameda, San Jose, CA, United States
San Jose
United States
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Camelia Mahmoudi

Legal services in the areas of (1) Trust & Estate, including Wills, Living Trusts, Probate, Trust Administration, and Conservatorships. (2) Taxation, including Compromise of Tax Liabilities, Tax Payment Agreements and Workouts, Defense Against IRS Collection, Audit and Appeals, and Abatement of Tax Penalties (3) Family Law, including Prenuptial Agreements, Divorce, Custody, Division of Assets, and Guardianships.

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Camelia Mahmoudi | کاملیا محمودی

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Camelia Mahmoudi | کاملیا محمودی
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