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Arash Izadi | آرش ایزدی

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Practice area
Chinese, English, Farsi
88 Century Ave, Lu Jia Zui, Pudong
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دکتر آرش ایزدی

دکتر آرش ایزدی وکیل پایه یک دادگستری و داور مرکز داوری تجاری بین المللی
ارائه خدمات تخصصی حقوقی و قضایی
متخصص در امور قراردادهی تجاری بین المللی
مدرس دانشگاه جیائوتنگ
فوق دکترای حقوق تجاری بین المللی


Arash Izadi

International Law


Dr. Arash Izadi is qualified Attorney and holder of the Practice License number 45840 from Bar Association. He obtained his Doctorate in International Law from Xiamen University(厦门大学)and received his Postdoctoral Certificate from Shanghai Jiaotong University (上海交通大学)at 2004 he finished his Bachelor degree in Law then immediately after graduation continued his study and received his Master Degree in Law at 2008 . Arash maintains broad knowledge in litigation and International dispute settlement with emphasis on commercial, investment, Business and Contract disputes.


He is listed as Arbitrator at Arbitration Center of Iran Chamber of Commerce (ACIC) , Shanghai International Arbitration Center ( SHIAC) , China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) , Thailand International Arbitration Center (THAC) , Caspian Arbitration Society and several Arbitration Centers.


Arash Izadi is Partner at Izadi Law firm since 2009, in Tehran. Previously, he Associated and Interned at various Law Firms, Courts and Legal Organizations in Iran since 2006. He also teaches international business law, Public International Law, and Private International Law at the Law Faculty in Tehran, Iran.

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Arash Izadi | آرش ایزدی

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