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Alireza Pazuki | علیرضا پازوکی

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Practice area
Law Society of Ontario
English, Farsi
Pazuki Law Group
205 Main St S
L3Y 3Y9
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Alireza Pazouki

Ali Pazouki is the principle lawyer at Pazuki Law Group. He has been practicing law since 2005. Ali received his LLB from the University of Windsor Law School where he was the recipient of numerous academic awards achieving the highest grades in Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure and Judicial Review. Ali was the recipient of the Harold G. Fox Bursary which was awarded to the top 3 students.

After graduating law school Ali articled for a prestigious and well recognized Criminal Defence Firm in Toronto. Ali has successfully represented hundreds of clients.  He has conducted over 100 trials and has dozens of reported decisions.

Ali is family oriented and has 5 beautiful children.  He enjoys spending time with his family and working out. He is also an avid antique, pet and vehicle collector and motorcycle enthusiast.


  • Law Society of Ontario
  • Simcoe County Law Association
  • York Region Law Association
  • Ontario Trial Lawyer’s Association
  • Advocates Society
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Alireza Pazuki | علیرضا پازوکی

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Alireza Pazuki | علیرضا پازوکی
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