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Ali Parvand | علی پروند

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English, Farsi
Ali Parvand Law
459 W Broadway #7
CA 91204
United States
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Ali Parvand


Ali Parvand is the principal attorney at the Law Office of Ali Parvand. Mr. Parvand’s immigration practice includes matters such as removal defense, family immigration and employment immigration. For many years, Mr. Parvand has provided legal representation to immigrants before the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and U.S. Immigration Courts.

Mr. Parvand also practices before the Board of Immigration Appeals and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Parvand has also successfully litigated lawsuits against the U.S. government for unreasonable delay in adjudicating immigration applications.

Mr. Parvand attended Southwestern Law School where he served as a member of the Southwestern Journal of International Law. During law school, Mr. Parvand clerked for the American Bar Association’s Immigration Clinic as well as for the California Superior Court.

A member of the California State Bar, Mr. Parvand is also admitted to practice before the Central District of California and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Mr. Parvand is a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association Immigration Section as well as the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Mr. Parvand is also a California registered court interpreter.

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