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Adam Habibi | حبیبی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Adam A. Habibi Law
2599 Louanne Court
United States
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Adam Habibi, Esq.

Adam Habibi | حبیبی

J.D., Florida Coastal School of Law
B.S., University of Baltimore

Bar Admissions:
District of Columbia

American Bar Association
Maryland State Bar Association
Federal Bar Association
Maryland Association for Justice

Adam Habibi, born in the State of Maryland was sworn in as an Attorney at the age of 23. Graduating cum laude from the University of Baltimore, and later from Florida Coastal School of Law, Adam was awarded the Outstanding Local Government Contribution Award from the State of Florida Bar Association in 2010.

Adam held various roles as the legal negotiator for several Fortune 500 corporations to include AECOM Technology #320 and Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) #240 and Xerox #131. During his tenure with Corporate America, Adam single-handedly led the signing of several multi-million dollar transactions.

His role with Xerox State and Local Solutions #131 included working with the State of Maryland in implementing the Maryland Health Care Exchange. In 2011, Adam opened the Law Office of Adam Habibi, P.C., a boutique general practice law firm serving the public. Reaching innumerable successes in-Court and out, the Law Practice continues to thrive today.

The Law Offic e of Adam Habibi proudly provides representation in Landlord and Tenant law, Litigation, Business Law, Corporate Law, Government Contracting, Breach of Contract, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Immigration Law, Citizenship, Traffic matters (DUI), Criminal Offenses, Auto accident, Family Law, Wills & Estates and Debt Settlement.

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Adam Habibi | حبیبی

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Adam Habibi | حبیبی
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