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Shahen Davityan | شاهین داویتیان

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B.A. B.Ec. Juris Doctor, Accredited Mediator
Armenian, English, Farsi
Verde Lawyers
301/507 Kent St
NSW 2000
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Commercial and Family Law

We are a Commercial and Family Law firm located in the heart of Sydney. At Verde Lawyers we are committed to advancing our client’s interests by practicing diligence in all work, to ensure the best outcome in any set of circumstances.

Our principal lawyer, Shahen Davityan, is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales and has been admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW and the High Court of Australia.

It is our policy to conduct every matter entrusted to us with a balanced approach and provide realistic solutions to your matter.

Verde Lawyers specialise in the following fields:

  • Commercial Litigation and dispute resolution
  • Contract negotiation and business establishment.
  • Business sale and acquisition
  • Business franchising
  • Family Law
  • Estate planning and trusts
  • Dispute resolution
  • Migration law

We operate under a strong ethical code at Verde Lawyers and ensure that your needs are always at the forefront of our attention.

We always provide you with an honest and realistic evaluation of your matter at each stage of our service. We value open communication with our clients, so you will always be informed about the progress of your migration matter.

Accredited mediator
Our principal lawyer, Shahen Davityan, is also compliant and registered with the National Mediator Accreditation System and Mediator Standards Board. We are also registered with the Australian Mediation Association and Resolution Institution.

whether you are operating domestically or internationally, our skilled team at Verde Lawyers can assist you with the following avenues of dispute resolution:

  • Negotiation and mediation
  • Arbitration towards an enforceable agreement
  • Commercial litigation
  • Bankruptcy
  • Winding up companies and insolvency law claims

We can mediate in matters relating to the District Courts and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Federal Court, Family Court, or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

verde lawyers

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Shahen Davityan | شاهین داویتیان

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Shahen Davityan | شاهین داویتیان
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